2021 Home Decor Trends: 6 Ways to Improve Your Interior Design

2021 Home Decor Trends: 6 Ways to Improve Your Interior Design

As the new year approaches, many of us are beginning to look forward to making positive changes in our lives. From personal resolutions to fashion updates, there’s no better feeling than the refresh of a calendar change.

And among these many changes, many of us are looking to update our homes, especially since we now spend more time than ever before inside.

When considering which updates you’ll make, take 2021 home decor trends into account. Trends shouldn’t be the be all end all in terms of your interior design, but they can be helpful if you’re looking for inspiration.

To learn which styles are coming into fashion in the new year, just keep reading!

1. Bold Wall Colors

Remember the geometric prints with bold colors of the ’90s? Well, that trend is beginning to come back into popularity. Grey is still the most popular neutral color, but primary yellow is making a comeback as a secondary shade.

So, if you have a bold accent wall in your dining room or bedroom, consider filling the rest of the walls with the color as well. This trend is in part thanks to the fact that modern hotels are shifting toward bold palettes, and who doesn’t want to create a resort feel in their own home?

2. Light-Toned Woods

Deep, dark wood tones have been all the rage in recent years, but light-toned woods are now making a comeback. Instead of the drama of dark tones, light-toned wood adds a lightness and uplifting feel to any room. It’s also easier to design around, as more colors and textures suit the airy feel of this shade of wood.

Light-toned wood is particularly useful for creating a minimalist vibe and can even make a room feel larger than it is. If you’re looking to create a zen space in a corner of your bedroom or an at-home spa in your master bath, light woods are the way to go.

3. Rounded Shapes

To take your wooden furniture to the next level, consider purchasing rounded pieces. This trend goes beyond wood as well. Sofas and armchairs with a rounded back, for example, make a great addition to any trendy living room.

Look for rounded furniture with decorative carvings and knotty surfaces rather than the mid-century pieces that have been popular in years past. This brings us to the next trend!

4. Antique Pieces

If you’re a lover of antiques and enjoy the feeling of your grandparents’ home, 2021 home decor trends are for you. This style is known as grandmillennial and combines modern decor pieces with antique styles.

Pieces with intricate patterns, ruffles, and other comforts of trends past are coming back in style in the coming year. And the best part is, you can save a great deal of money shopping with grandmillennial decor in mind!

Take a weekend to shop around at your local thrift stores, flea markets, and antique shops. They’re loaded with pieces that are both stunning and budget-friendly.

Don’t shy away from pieces that look like they could use a little TLC. Not only will putting work into your furniture make you appreciate it more, but it’s easier than it may seem to bring a piece back to life.

For example, a bit of sanding and a fresh coat of stain can make an antique desk feel brand new. And using a 5 star carpet cleaning service on a rug that’s seen better days is typically all that’s necessary to make it look and feel amazing.

5. Pops of ’80s Decor

If antiques aren’t your thing, but you still like the idea of a few throwback pieces, you’re in luck. In addition to antique furniture, ’80s decor styles are on their way back into fashion.

Now, keep in mind that comfort is king in 2021, but the angular shapes and unusual materials that were popular in the 1980s will make your modern home feel fresh and vibrant.

Regardless of whether you’re going to be shopping for antiques or ’80s pieces, be sure to get a jump on it now. While these pieces can be found at inexpensive prices now, their soon to be popularity will cause prices to skyrocket because modern retailers will begin to create their own versions of throwback pieces.

Look for light-toned wood, glass, and marble, as well as high contrast color schemes like black and gold with industrial styling to bring the ’80s to your home.

6. Natural Decor

Now more than ever, sustainability is at the forefront of our minds. Because of that, natural decor is going to be a hit in the coming year. Light-toned wood continues to make an appearance throughout these trends and will do so once again because it’s the best way to create that natural, bohemian appearance.

Wool and jute rugs are a must for creating natural decor, as well as rattan accent pieces. It’s important to include plenty of houseplants in your design as well. A few houseplants will do wonders for both your mental and physical health, not to mention they bring life and texture to your space.

Improve Your House With These 2021 Home Decor Trends

At the end of the day, your home’s interior should be a reflection of you, your needs, and your tastes. Never follow trends for the sake of being trendy – that’s a great way to create an interior that you hate!

However, these 2021 home decor trends include something for everyone. And if you’re preparing to make a few updates to your home, you can’t go wrong with any of them.

Looking for more interior design inspiration? Be sure to check out our blog!

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